Christian Tartaglia, Analyst


Christian is an Analyst and started in Asante’s New York office in 2021. Prior to joining Asante, Christian completed internships at 50Five Capital and Cohen & Company and worked as a Finance & Operations Analyst for ACC-Construction. Christian’s responsibilities include creating pitchbooks and other client materials, creating LP profiles and coordinating roadshows.

What do you enjoy most working at Asante?

Being surrounded by such a talented, hard working group of individuals! The culture here at Asante is second to none as the Partners have created a truly collaborative and fun work environment. Every individual at Asante has a growth-orientated mindset and employs a work hard, play hard attitude. In addition, you also have a lot of responsibility at a young age and truly get to see the impact you have on the company.

What’s the most important thing you have learnt from working at Asante?

The ability to manage expectations and prioritize. As an independent global advisor, General Partners look to us for advice when fundraising or running a Capital Solutions process. As such, we must properly and appropriately manage their expectations when it comes to these processes and share our knowledge on the current fundraising environment as well as key trends that we are seeing to help the client achieve the best result possible. We learn to be personally accountable for our daily tasks and, ultimately, our career direction, while working together towards a common goal.

What would your advice be to anyone interested in joining Asante?

Apply! Asante has a lot to offer anyone who is interested in the world of private equity. We operate in two core verticals; primary fundraising and Capital Solutions. This gives you the opportunity to gain exposure to everything PE placement has to offer in an encouraging and supportive environment that will help grow your career.